iPhone Email Account Setup

This procedure is used to configure email on your iPhone or iPad. 
Use the "Manually Configure" option on your phone's email setup procedure, if available.

Step 1. To configure a new mailbox, open the Settings screen, click Mail, and Add New Account.

If you are troubleshooting an existing mailbox, click here for instructions.

Choose 'Add Other Mail Account...', and click Continue:

Step 2. Next, enter your name, email address and password.

Step 3. In most cases, the iPhone cannot determine the email settings automatically, so
choose the 'manual configuration' option, or click 'Continue' when the system cannot find your mail server. 

After receiving a message that the Account must be manually configured click the Next button.

Step 4. Choose POP instead of IMAP, and fill in the fields as follows:

Parameter Value
Account Type POP
Mail Server mail.yourdomain.com
User Name you@yourdomain.com
Password Your password

Step 5. After receiving the notice that Additional account information required, click the Next button.

Step 6. Supply the additional Incoming Mail Server Info using the table below as a guide. Click the Next button when finished.

Parameter Value
Port 110
Use SSL Un Checked
Authentication Password

Step 7. Configure the Outgoing Mail Server as follows.  Click the Create button when finished.

Parameter Value
Account Type POP
Mail Server mail.yourdomain.com
User Name you@yourdomain.com
Password Your password

Step 8. After receiving the notice that Additional account information required, click the Next button.

Step 9. Supply the additional Outgoing Mail Server Info using the table below as a guide. Click the Next button when finished.

Parameter Value
Port 587
Use SSL Un Checked
Authentication Password

Step 10. Mail will connect to your account and begin downloading your mail to your inbox.

This screen is from an iPad, your iPhone screen may look different. 
If you are having trouble receiving your mail, see the troubleshooting section below, to confirm your settings are correct.


Settings & Troubleshooting

The settings below will guide you in getting the mail account set up once it has been unsuccessfully created using the setup wizard.

Step 1. If you are modifying your account settings, click Accounts & Passwords.

Step 2. Once in Accounts & Passwords, find your email account on the list, and click on it:

Step 3. This will open the Account Screen.

Here you can see your account name, emails address, and incoming server name.

Your Host Name is mail.yourdomain.com
(substituting your own domain name here)

Your User Name is your entire email address, like you@yourdomain.com

Step 4. If you click on the SMTP button, you will see the following screen:

Again, your Host Name is mail.yourdomain.com
(substituting your own domain name here)

Your User Name is your entire email address, like you@yourdomain.com

Turn off SSL, and set the Outgoing Server Port to: 587

Step 5. Clicking the Advanced button takes you to the Incoming Server page.

Turn off SSL, and set the Incoming Server Port to: 110

Set 'Delete from server' to: 'When removed from inbox':

Step 6. Click Done, and back out of the previous screens, saving as you go.

Test your email by sending a new message to yourself, and see if it comes back.

Have a different version of Email?  Using Windows Outlook? 
Click here for Outlook 2007 setup guide
Click here for Outlook 2016 setup guide
Click here for Windows 10 Email setup guide

Need more assistance? Contact Us or call 253-380-4100.
